
Things to Do Before Contacting a Real Estate Agent

#661 | Categories: Real Estate Agent | | Jawara Corporation

Things to Do Before Contacting a Real Estate Agent.

Usually someone does it when they want to sell or exchange personal property. Ideally, when you are going to call a real estate agent, a number of important considerations have been studied before showing your home.

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Usually this kind of planning does take a long time, depending on the type of house and your financial condition. You also of course need time and consideration to choose a trusted real estate agent to carry out this task.

However, not all real estate agents can accommodate the expected needs and have good enough credibility. Deciding which real estate agent to choose, you should take the following seven important steps.

What are the things to do before contacting a real estate agent?

1. Make sure the mortgage has been approved

Before contacting a real estate agent, the first step you should take is to get approved for the cost of a mortgage or home loan. Many things will affect the terms, price, and interest rates of your mortgage.

All of these factors will then greatly influence the type of your home that is most affordable for you. Make sure you get pre-approval for a mortgage to make it even more secure.

2. Learn Real Estate Market Conditions

The pre-agreed amount of credit will determine the most affordable home price range for you. However, if you want to sell your house, you need to first understand the condition of the property market around you.

You can indeed find property information online or from print media, but you will not be able to get complete information. Meanwhile, property agents will provide complete information from the age of the house, discounted prices, to the final price.

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3. Prepare the House Well

One way to convince a real estate agent to broker your home is to prepare well. Preparing your home for an open house before inviting a real estate agent to come will help build a better image of your home.

This way, agents can see the full potential of your home so they can better market your home.

4. Clean the Entire Area of ​​the House

When it comes to selling a house, something as simple as a clean toilet can have a huge impact beyond what you might think. A tidy house signifies pride and shows that the house is well cared for and cared for.

Make sure all areas of the house down to the smallest elements like mailboxes and wall lights get the attention they deserve

5. Repair, Replace and Beautify

Not only does it need to be cleaned again, your home also needs to be repaired, damaged parts replaced, and beautified again. For example, try patching and repainting a damaged wall to make it look much better.

In addition, try to pay attention, is your yard neat and free of weeds? In the process of selling a house, the appearance of your front door can have a big influence on the success of the sale.

6. Find a Potential Real Estate Agent

Don't be fooled by the real estate agents you meet on Google! Try to go around looking for a more credible and trusted agent that can accommodate all your needs and desires.

You can try to find agent recommendations from family, relatives, relatives, or neighbors to be more trusted. Or, you can also try to find an agent who is familiar with real estate in your area.

7. Contact a Trusted Real Estate Agent

After you find the right agent, credible, and can accommodate all your needs, then it's time to contact the agent. At this stage, you can discuss in more depth all your expectations and needs regarding your home or home sale.

You can also get more complete information in return. So that in the future there will be no misunderstanding or disappointment felt by both parties.

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Nama Penulis : Rina Ulfa Saroh | Job Title : Online Administration | Motto : Saya memang bukan siapa-siapa, tapi bersama The Best Team Jawara Corporation, kami akan melakukan yang terbaik yang kami bisa untuk membantu dan menciptakan KEBAIKAN antar sesama.
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Join : 2018-04-09

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