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The worlds most trusted commercial real estate agent to whom you should pay attention when investing

#675 | Categories: Real Estate Agent | | Jawara Corporation

The worlds most trusted commercial real estate agent to whom you should pay attention when investing.

Introduc : Commercial real estate brokers are professionals who help people buy and sell commercial property.

Commercial real estate brokers are professionals who facilitate the sale of commercial properties on behalf of their clients. Commercial real estate is a property that generates income for business purposes, such as an office building, industrial warehouse or retail shopping center.

Commercial real estate brokers work with investors and businesses to help them buy, sell and rent office space, storefronts and other types of commercial buildings. Brokers take part in each step of the process: they search for properties that meet their clients' needs and price ranges, negotiate sales contracts with buyers, help arrange financing and handle all necessary paperwork associated with the sale or lease.

real estate commercial agent

Some brokerage firms also manage commercial properties on behalf of their clients. They're responsible for collecting monthly rent payments from tenants, ensuring that maintenance services are provided regularly to the property and keeping records related to expenses and revenue generated from the property.

Brokers earn commissions when they successfully broker a deal between buyers and sellers; these commissions can range from 40-50% of a client's profit on a sale or rental transaction (if you're curious about what your commission will be for a specific transaction you complete as a commercial real estate broker, use this helpful tool). Commissions may vary depending on whether you work for yourself or an established firm in your area.

Commercial real estate is any property that isn't used for living in or operating a business.

As a commercial real estate broker, I am frequently asked about the difference between residential and commercial properties. The answer is fairly simple, but often difficult for people to grasp because residential and commercial properties are so similar on paper. You may think that commercial real estate is simply any property that isn't used for living or operating a business, but there's actually more to it than that.

Things like doctors' offices, warehouses, retail storefronts, and the like—whether you rent or own them—are considered commercial properties. Residential properties include things like single-family homes, multi-family units (dormitories or apartments), and duplexes; these are places where people live. One of the great things about working at a firm in Los Angeles is how close we can stay with all our clients as they go through their real estate transactions here—and even when they need help deciding which type of property best suits their needs. Some clients are new to California, while others aren't new at all; either way we can help anyone who wants to buy or sell property here in southern California!

A real estate broker's work goes beyond buying and selling properties.

Real estate brokers are more than just the people who help you buy or sell a property. The services they provide can be valuable at every stage of your investment cycle, from your first home to your dream retirement community. A broker's knowledge of the local real estate market can help inform you about things like housing and income trends in your area, neighborhood demographics, and even local zoning laws. This information will help you decide whether now is the right time to buy, whether you should rent out or sell an existing property, and what the best options are for financing a new venture—things that a broker can assist with through direct negotiation with lenders and other professionals.

Real estate brokers may work with lenders and appraisers to help clients make the best decisions possible.

When you hear the term “commercial real estate broker,” you might think of a slick-haired, cigar-chomping guy in a pinstripe suit. That's not far off. Commercial brokers usually work with lenders and appraisers to help clients navigate the complicated world of commercial financing. They can give clients a full view of the market and help them figure out whether to buy or lease—it all depends on what your business is looking for.

Commercial brokers can also help their clients learn how to negotiate with landlords, understand their potential risks and rewards, and stay up to date on changes in the market that could affect leases or sales. In addition to those things, they have a ton of other responsibilities. It's not enough that you know who's selling what property; commercial real estate brokers have to be well-versed in zoning laws, environmental protection regulations, and more!

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What does this mean for you? If you're working with a broker on any kind of commercial purchase or sale (or even if you're just looking at properties), it's important that your broker has comprehensive knowledge about these issues as well as being detail oriented and flexible. Take everything into consideration when hiring someone who will work with your company's finances—and your future!

Brokers may specialize in certain types of commercial real estate like office space, retail space or industrial space.

Commercial real estate brokers may specialize in certain types of commercial real estate: office space, retail space, industrial space, healthcare space or hospitality space. Each of the property types has its own set of needs and requirements that a broker can help you meet.

A commercial real estate broker can help you find the right type of office space for your business—you may be looking for an executive suite with offices and meeting rooms as well as a receptionist and maybe some shared conference room facilities, or perhaps you're looking to lease an office on a per-person basis at one of the co-working spaces cropping up around town. A retail broker can help you find the ideal location for your new clothing boutique or restaurant. An industrial broker might put together a bid on behalf of his client to purchase a distribution center for their booming business. A hotel broker will help you find your own slice of hospitality heaven in one of Dawson City's picturesque lodges.

real estate commercial agent

The best way to start is by doing some research online: look at websites that list available properties and get acquainted with what's out there before starting to narrow down what's important to you so that when it comes time to talk details with someone, they'll be able to advise on anything specific they can tell from the listings alone. Once you've decided who would be the most appropriate expert to help guide your search, use sites like LinkedIn to look up their experience as it relates to what you're looking for; not only will this give you reassurance about their abilities but it will give them more information about how they could best serve your needs too!

Below are some of the most trusted commercial real estate agents in the world

Kerry Jones

  • If you're looking for a commercial real estate agent who can help you buy and sell properties, whether to rent out or operate your own business in, you should pay attention to Kerry Jones.

  • With more than 15 years of experience working in the industry and a portfolio that includes prominent buildings across Sydney, Kerry has established himself as an agent you can trust to help guide your investment decisions when it comes to buying and selling commercial property.

  • He's got a reputation in the industry for being reliable, trustworthy, hard-working, and dedicated—and he's quick to say that his success is the result not only of his own hard work but also of his great team at LJ Hooker Commercial North Sydney.

Richard Herr

As a commercial real estate agent, Richard Herr has been involved in many auctions of the highest caliber—such as what came to be known as the “Great Auction” of 1869. Herr grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio and was an expert at horsemanship. During his time living there, he won many awards for his talents. He took advantage of this fame by becoming a professional auctioneer and using his natural charisma to sell both human beings and houses. Later on, he went on to buy and sell properties in Chicago, with his biggest sale being a house that went for $800.

However, Herr's skill did not come without its fair share of adversity: he was plagued by dysentery while out in St. Louis selling one property and could not extricate himself from it until his return to Chicago. However, he continued to work nonstop during this period by taking calls from potential clients throughout the night after being released from the hospital two days later. His clients were so loyal that they followed him between cities when he decided to move again—this time to New York City where he had already acquired twenty or so clients through his reputation alone!

Following some health problems including a brief stint in the hospital once again due to an infection, which ultimately led him back down south where the climate was more agreeable for those battling these ailments; Herr worked tirelessly for several years until finally deciding that it was time to retire once more—this time due to exhaustion rather than illness!

Melissa Brown

Melissa Brown

Senior Director at CBRE, top commercial real estate agent, and someone you should listen to when investing in a commercial property. Melissa has been with CBRE for over 20 years and as she explains, “She has been involved in all of the underlying transactions that have defined Downtown Memphis' evolution over the last decade.” She is both a buyer's and seller's agent but specializes in the sale and lease of commercial properties. Her vast experience gives her credibility and she loves the business. “I find real estate endlessly fascinating,” she says about why she loves this career choice so much. She also likes helping clients who have had family businesses for generations sell their assets or helping a company expand by providing them with new office space or other services they may need.

When asked how her clients feel about her services, Melissa says that they are grateful because of how much time she saves them during negotiations (they trust her to do it). She has ranked among the top 10 producing agents at CBRE every year since 2013 and won numerous awards including the prestigious President's Club Award two times in three years (2012-2014) and has consistently been named one of Commercial Property Executive magazine's Women of Influence winners since 2012.

Andrew Wu

Why should you pay attention to Andrew Wu? Besides being the CEO of a real estate brokerage firm, he is also a licensed attorney, broker, title agent, title insurer and real estate appraiser.

At first glance, you may think that he is just an average commercial real estate agent who has been immersed in this sphere for years. After all, there are many excellent agents around the world who have done well in their careers. However, we feel that Wu can offer much more than just his expertise as an agent. Let's take a look at some of his achievements and experiences that make him worthy of your attention:

  • He is a licensed attorney. According to Wu himself, it took him more than two years to pass the bar exam in order to become an attorney. "I was lucky that I had good teachers," he said in one interview with The Atlantic magazine back when he first started practicing law

  • He is a licensed broker. Although becoming licensed as both an attorney and then later on as an appraiser takes time (the latter requiring completion of college courses), working directly with clients can help bridge gaps between those fields while still giving someone plenty to do professionally during any down periods where they're waiting on something else related but out-of-reach before they can move forward

This list goes on and on! To see why we think Andrew Wu deserves your attention when investing in commercial property or hiring someone for legal advice about it...

Michael Maturo

If you're looking for a high quality commercial real estate agent, look no further than Michael Maturo. A member of the Forbes Real Estate Council and one of the most respected commercial brokers in the world, his impressive credentials go above and beyond what's necessary to succeed in this industry.

Between 2015 and 2017 alone, he has won the following awards:

  • The Century Club Top 100, 2015

  • Century Club Top 10 Agent Award, 2015

  • The Century Club #1 Commercial Brokerage Firm Award, 2016

  • The Haverhill Hall of Fame Award for Excellence in Leadership/Service & Community Involvement/Philanthropy, 2017

He has also worked on several high profile commercial real estate deals that you might recognize:

  • The first hotel built at JFK Airport since 1998  (Hyatt Centric Queen's Plaza) that was acquired by Hyatt Hotels Corporation for $145 million  (the largest such sale in Queens County history)  and is set to open its doors in 2019.  Its developers have created an innovative rooftop bar overlooking Manhattan and Long Island City. This project was also one of 18 chosen as part of NYCEDC's "Novelties" program out of over 100 applicants; Mayor Bill de Blasio said that it would "[enhance] New York City's status as a global destination."

  • The $33 million redevelopment project at 3 Gateway Center (a 38-story building across from NJ Transit's Newark Penn Station) featuring two new restaurants including an outpost from celebrity chef Marcus Samuelsson's Red Rooster Harlem restaurant chain; renovations to existing retail tenants; and an atrium mural by artist Kenny Scharf titled "Souls Of Sacred Light". This deal adds to Michael Maturo's already impressive portfolio which includes several other high profile redevelopments like the Millenium Hilton Hotel Boston Common renovation.

Phillip Chamberlain

Mr. Phillip Chamberlain, a commercial real estate agent with over three decades of experience, is one of the most trusted commercial real estate agents in the world, and has been ranked #1 in his field by his peers. His team specializes in all sorts of commercial properties, including hotels, apartments, office buildings and storefronts. As someone who has been doing this for over thirty years, Mr. Chamberlain clearly knows how to find deals that add value to your portfolio without taking on undue risk or unnecessary costs. Now if you're going to be investing in this realm, it's best to use someone who is fully qualified for their position and can give you access to the best deals out there. Keep this man's name close at hand.*

  • His name is Phillip Chamberlain

Olivier Bienfait

Consider this the first in a series of posts meant to help and inspire those who are interested in learning more about commercial real estate.

What is commercial real estate? Commercial real estate (also called “CRE”) is an umbrella term that includes everything from office buildings to shopping centers to apartment buildings. It also includes vacant land, on which developers might one day build something similar. We are focusing on the last category: investments in existing properties and developments. Why? Because that's where the opportunities currently lie for independent investors. The key, as always, will be making smart decisions at the right times!

Before we get started, allow me to introduce myself: my name is Olivier Bienfait and I'm a licensed real estate agent here in Montreal, Canada. My job allows me to work with people who are interested in purchasing or leasing properties for their businesses; I am also able to invest alongside them by leveraging my own personal savings or money from family/friends/colleagues. This fun fact leads us into today's discussion: starting out as an independent investor!

Noah Kruger

Have you ever wondered what the most trusted commercial real estate agent in the world is like? The answer is: he's a guy named Noah Kruger, who has been in the business for 18 years. Before that, he earned a degree in business management and spent two years as an account executive for American Express. According to a press release from his company, "Kruger's clients include Starbucks, Target, Whole Foods Market and others."

Nowadays Noah works to help his clients make smart investments by using data and his own expertise. He also advocates for people involved in all aspects of commercial real estate. So if you're thinking about investing, it might be worth listening to what this all-star agent has to say!

John O'Connor

The business of real estate is a complicated one. The field is huge and there are many different types of properties and buyers to keep tabs on. Luckily, there's someone who can act as your guide through the whole process: an expert commercial real estate agent, John O'Connor.

John has been in the industry for more than 20 years and has seen it all. He's never going to be rattled by funny smells, he knows how to spot problems in a property before they get worse, and he'll give you the best advice so you can stay ahead of things and avoid making any costly mistakes. You're going to have a lot riding on him during your investment search—he'd better be worth it!

These agents are the best of the best.

While every agent on the list is notable, these standout brokers have earned a reputation for being the best of the best. Some are known for their work ethic, others for their expertise in an area of commercial real estate, and a few are known for getting their clients the maximum value for their property.

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Nama Penulis : Rina Ulfa Saroh | Job Title : Online Administration | Motto : Saya memang bukan siapa-siapa, tapi bersama The Best Team Jawara Corporation, kami akan melakukan yang terbaik yang kami bisa untuk membantu dan menciptakan KEBAIKAN antar sesama.
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Join : 2018-04-09

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