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Digital Marketing for Business

#679 | Categories: Digital Marketing | | Jawara Corporation

Digital Marketing for Business.

Digital Marketing for Business has become a culture, and people are increasingly familiar with technology and the internet, so it is not surprising that digital marketing activities are the leading choice for companies. As a result, companies compete with each other to create engaging content to display in their marketing in cyberspace.

Some examples of marketing techniques included in Digital Marketing are search engine optimization (Search Engine Optimization), online advertising such as FB and Google Advertisements, print media promotions, television and radio advertisements, electronic signboards, email advertising, mobile marketing, and others.

Of course, experts in digital marketing have their definitions. The definition of electronic advertising, according to experts, is as follows:

1. Ridwan Sanjaya & Josua Tarigan (2009): Digital marketing and advertising are marketing activities including branding that use various media. For example, blogs, websites, email, AdWords, and social media networks.

2. Kleindl and Burrow (2005) Understanding digital advertising and marketing involves planning and implementing concepts, ideas, prices, promotions, and distributions. Simply put, it can be interpreted as building and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships between consumers and producers.

3. Heidrick & Struggles (2009) Digital marketing and marketing uses the development of the digital world to carry out advertising that is not touted directly but has a very significant effect.

Advantages of Digital Advertising 

The number of digital marketing used by companies proves that this has many advantages and benefits that can be obtained. What are they? Here are some of the advantages of digital marketing compared to conventional marketing.

1. Speed โ€‹โ€‹of Spread Marketing strategies using electronic media can be done very quickly, even in seconds. In addition, DM can also be measured in real-time and precisely.

2. Ease of Evaluation Information such as how long your product has been watched, how many people have seen your product, what percentage of sales conversion from each ad, and so on. After knowing that kind of information, then you can evaluate which ads are good and evil.

3. Wider Reach The next advantage is the broad geographic reach of the DM. Using the internet, you can spread your brand or product worldwide with just a few easy steps.

4. Cheap and Effective Compared to traditional marketing, electronic marketing is much cheaper and more effective. Budget costs saved can be up to 40%, according to Gartner’s Digital Advertising and marketing Invest Report. In addition, the survey also shows that 28% of small entrepreneurs will switch to electronic because it is proven more effective.

5. Build a Brand name. Digital marketing and advertising help you build a good trademark name.

The existence of cyberspace with the presence of your trademark name is fundamental because people will search online before buying your product.

Types of Digital Marketing. 

1. Websites.

Website plays a vital role in showing the company’s professionalism, helping consumers know your business, saving promotions, and making accessible business media.

2. Search Engine Marketing. Efforts to make the company’s website easy to find in search engine systems. Search Engine Marketing is divided into SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and Search Engine Marketing (SEM). Seo done yourself takes longer and is cheaper, whereas SEM is paid but faster.

3. Social Media Advertising. Sharing on social media such as Facebook and Twitter can be done with minimal costs or even for free.

4. Online Advertising. Media promotion via the internet for a fee. This can get consumers more quickly and satisfactorily but is more expensive than the previous type.

5. Email Marketing. You can provide the latest information about ongoing promotions or the latest products or services via email.

6. Video Marketing. This way, you can immediately explain your business, the product, and how to use it and display customer endorsements.

How to Start Digital Marketing? 

After knowing what it is and some basic digital marketing concepts, are you interested in trying it? Start marketing using digital media, and there are several things you need to prepare.

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Kategori : Digital Marketing
Digital marketing itu apa. adalah istilah umum yang mencakup berbagai kegiatan pemasaran, semuanya dengan tujua ... More

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First, prepare the tools used to do the marketing. Some tools used in Digital Marketing for Business include websites, social media accounts, brand and product identities, website blog uploads, and online trails (endorsement, responses from customers, and others).

In Digital Marketing for Business, these tools are an asset to you, so take good care of them.

Second, prepare content that is interesting and shareable. Content can be in photos, video clips, writing, or others. You should also define marketing objectives and target markets tailored to the content.

Third, you can start uploading and evaluate each upload on each social network, determine which ones provide feedback, and focus on some assets that offer good comments for your business.

The next step that can be taken is to enter and join the online discussion forum of the public marketplace.

Ensure your business profile is good because it will affect the brand’s image.

Digital Advertising Strategy. 

1. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. SEO is an attempt to optimize a site to get top rankings from search results. To be in the complete order, you must understand how the search engine system works. Media that can be used such as websites, blogs, and infographics.

2. Digital marketing materials. Plan, create, and share content about the company.

This attracts readers to know the business and motivates them to become buyers. This content can be made through website blog uploads, social media, articles, digital publications, infographics, and online brochures. Marketing Automation is a technique of automating repetitive tasks.

This automation can be done through electronic channels such as email and social media. For example, in Google AdWords, you pay and get the top slot for every search on Google and are charged for each click. In addition, there are also Facebook Advertisements and LinkedIn Sponsored Messages.

A form of paid content is displayed in a form that resembles the media content and its placement. Content that looks and functions like part of the associated media.

Digital marketing partners. It is when you partner with someone else’s service or site to make a commission by referring readers or visitors to your business.

Digital marketing is expensive or not, depending on the type used by your company. After knowing about the meaning of digital marketing, for your business’s success and smooth running, it must also be supported by sound financial planning.

But it would be best if you were avoided when implementing a digital marketing concept so your business can run according to the marketing plan.

This will complicate the Digi marketing process, especially in analyzing the audience that reaches your product. Make sure that the marketing strategy you design is specific, right on target, and can be easily reached by the target market.

Things to pay attention to in Digital Marketing 

1. On Digital Marketing for Business, understanding Prospective Consumers. However, many business people still ignore this, so they tend to offer products that are not under market demand. Business ideals are essential, but the products being sold must also pay attention to the audience, their needs, and the preferences and trends of potential consumers. You can search for product trends in the community by using Google Trends. The electronic advertising function does not only focus on more accessible promotional features but is also measurable. How many audiences are aware of our brand, visit the internet site, or click on our ads in search engines.

2. Ignore Storytelling and Copywriting. The most important thing in content creation is writing. The writing must also be able to give an impression and educate the audience so that the product provided can be realized easily.

3. An Untidy and Incomplete Website. A good business website must be able to present information, call-to-action, and touchdown web pages that are clear and do not distract visitors from finding what they are looking for. The increasingly dynamic user behavior demands that a website can be accessed anywhere and anytime. Inappropriate Ads and Touchdown Pages. The touchdown internet page content must match the ads you place on Google, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and others.

4. Complicated Check-out Process. If your internet site requires consumers to go through a complicated check-out stage, it is almost sure that consumers will leave the site without completing their purchase. When the consumer has arrived at the check-out stand, the steps towards the payment process should be short and straightforward.

Artikel Digital Marketing lain yang perlu anda baca :

Kategori : Digital Marketing
Digital marketing itu apa. adalah istilah umum yang mencakup berbagai kegiatan pemasaran, semuanya dengan tujua ... More

Read this : oiobuzz digital marketing categories

5. Not Calculating Return of Financial Investment (ROI). ROI or better known as return on investment, is the ratio of money gained or lost in an investment. If you do not calculate ROI, then you will not see the effectiveness of the marketing strategies that have been implemented. Calculating ROI can be pretty tricky. In addition, some errors are considered trivial but also have a significant enough impact, namely, not optimizing the use of social media. Easy and practical management will save time and effort so that you will be more focused on business development plans. Therefore, with the help of trusted accounting software, you can compile financial reports quickly and accurately.

The website is essential in showing the company’s professionalism, helping consumers know your business, saving promotions, and uncomplicated business media.

You can start uploading and evaluate each upload on every social media you have, determine which ones respond, and focus on some assets that provide good comments for your business.

A form of paid content is displayed in a form that resembles the media content and its placement. The writing must also be able to give an impression and educate the audience so that the product provided can be realized easily. A good business website must be able to present information, call-to-action, and touchdown web pages that are clear and don’t distract visitors from finding what they are looking for.

Bio Penulis

Nama Penulis : Eddy Susianto, | Job Title : CTO (Chief Of Technology Officer) | Motto : Sekedar demo nya URIP
Tinggal di Malang
Join : 2017-09-20

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